Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A weightly matter

So I have a few kilos left over (well 10 if you're counting) from having children.  The thing is, my youngest has just turned 5!  It looks like they're not going away on their own then. 

Before I had children I was always able to eat whatever I wanted, packets of chips, bars of chocolate, bakery goodies and I never changed weight.  I was 57kg every time I weighed myself.  The only time I put on weight was when I spent two months in China.  It was winter and my body just wanted to eat lots and lots of rice.  I came home 63kg and promptly lost all the weight back to 57kg without making any effort at all. 

My body image is still of myself as that slender teenager and I get suprised when I look down and see a round tummy instead of a flat one.  I do wear a lot of dresses which are fitted at the waist and then have a full skirt, often with a petticoat, which disguises things pretty well.  But I'm not really wanting to have to disguise certain areas for the rest of my life.  So I've decided it's time.

I'm also going to share a personal photograph, which I haven't done before online, in the anticipation of sharing an "after" photograph in a year or so.  Should keep me honest.  The whole internet will be able to see if I don't keep it up!  You can see what I mean about the full skirts:

Last night I spent way too long (I think it was 2 hours!) working out a menu plan that I'll start on Saturday. It involves spending quite a bit more at the supermarket than I'm used to, even though I did still pick recipes that use what we have growing in the vegetable garden at the moment. My main problem time is lunch and snacks when I'm using the computer. So I planned what I was going to eat for lunch and snacks to avoid making last minute trips to the bakery when hungry. The plan is to have everything I need all ready at home.

There's also a new rule - no eating at the computer. At all. I may need to put up a little sign to remind myself. We have a house rule anyway about not eating anywhere but the kitchen table, but I've been habitually naughty in snacking when I'm along in front of the computer. This has now stopped. I have no snacks anywhere in sight as I type this!
Oh, I'm using the Weight Watchers online program to keep me on track.  But they haven't paid me to say that or anything :)

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